Meet Our Team

- School Attended: U of Illinois
- From: Pesotum, IL
- Professional Organizations: ISVMA, AVMA
- Favorite Job Aspect: Client education, surgical procedures, dentistry, dermatology, and mentoring
- Pets: Blitz, German Shepherd (Chief Security Officer), five Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
- Hobbies/Interests: Outdoor activities, watching sports, working out
- Favorite Pet Movie: Turner and Hooch
- Favorite Pet Name: Dapper Dan
- Loves: Vacationing with family, cooking, fall
- Hates: Spiders, rude people, cleaning up after cooking
- Favorite Local Activity with Her Pets: Playing outside in the country
- Alternative Career Choice: Professional drag racer, medical or law school, mechanical engineering
- Fun Fact: Grew up on a farm, played multiple sports, Triple Illini graduate 🧡💙

- School Attended: University of Illinois 🧡💙
- From: Shelbyville, IL
- Professional Organizations: ISVMA, AVMA
- Favorite Job Aspect: Working with the team, puppy visits, helping geriatric pets feel better
- Pets: Yoshi (English Pointer mix who loves sitting on people’s feet), Llewey (English Setter mix who loves snuggles), Lucky (Percheron Paint mix, partner in eventing), Tack and Echo (pampered barn cats)
- Hobbies/Interests: Showing her horse, reading long fiction series, baking, and puzzles
- Favorite Pet Movie: Bolt
- Loves: Date nights with her husband, mocha brownies, quiet time in the barn caring for her critters
- Alternative Career Choice: Teaching another science
- Fun Fact: She grew up in a veterinary clinic, her dad is a recently retired mixed practice veterinarian
- Bonus Fun Fact: She teaches DVM students at U of I’s Clinical Skills Learning Center

- School Attended: University of Illinois! I-L-L 🧡💙
- From: Freeport, IL
- Professional Organizations: AVMA, ISVMA
- Favorite Job Aspect: Helping families keep their pets happy and healthy, puppy breath, kitten snuggles
- Pets: Romee and Jubee, two cats adopted from the first veterinary clinic she volunteered at in 2015
- Hobbies/Interests: Traveling, video games, working out
- Favorite Pet Movie: The Secret Life of Pets
- Loves: Cupcakes, working out, stickers
- Hates: Cilantro, when you choke on food and a piece gets stuck in your sinuses, delayed flights
- Alternative Career Choice: Cirque du Soleil Acrobat
- Fun Fact: Certified in scuba diving

- School Attended: College of Veterinary Medicine and undergrad at Southern Illinois
University Carbondale - From: Aurora, IL
- Professional Organizations: AVMA
- Favorite Job Aspect: Learning new things every day
- Pets: Clint (mixed breed who’s always up for adventures), Slytherin (corn snake), Sabean (leopard gecko)
- Hobbies/Interests: Traveling, hiking, camping, bouldering, cooking, and gardening
- Favorite Pet Movie: Homeward Bound
- Loves: Road trips and discovering new places, a fresh cup of tea or coffee, and spending time with Clint
- Dislikes: Mushrooms (the texture, not the flavor), washing dishes after
cooking, and mosquitoes - Favorite Local Dog Activity: Going for a hike
- Alternative Career Choice: National Park ranger
- Fun Fact: She’s been to half of the U.S. National Parks and plans to visit all of them!
- Bonus Fun Fact: Excited to bring her experience with pocket pets and reptiles to All About Animals Pet Clinic

- School Attended: College of Veterinary Medicine
- From: Central Pennsylvania
- Professional Organizations: AVMA, ISVMA, CVMF, AASRP, AABP
- Favorite Job Aspect: Connecting with people and their pets, even during
tough times; educating, managing pain, and learning new ways to care for animals - Pets: Lydie (Australian Shepherd mix who’s too smart for her own good and loves hiking, running, and chasing bunnies), 11 sheep (Montauciel “Monty,” Mimosa “Mimsy,” Muenster Cheese “MunChee,” Molasses “Molly,” Magnus “Gus,” Maleficent “Allie,” Mulberry “Berry,” and four lambs), plus a flock of laying hens
- Hobbies/Interests: Spending time with her husband and dog hiking and kayaking, gardening, cooking and baking, woodworking, spinning wool, sewing
and quilting, soap-making, swing dancing, crafting, and playing games - Favorite Pet Movie: Where the Red Fern Grows
- Loves: Family and friends, learning, and sheep!
- Dislikes: Humidity, folding laundry, and mosquitoes
- Favorite Local Dog Activity: Flatwater kayaking at local lakes and ponds
- Alternative Career Choice: Sheep farmer or pastry chef
- Fun Fact: n her free time, she and her husband build extravagant,
high-tech backyard roller coasters with friends from all over the country!

- From: Peoria, Illinois
- Favorite Job Aspect: Taking care of the people that take care of pets
- Pets: Dude, a spoiled rotten mixed breed mutt and an only child
- Hobbies/Interests: Amateur beekeeping, reading, crossword puzzles. Known for pop-culture references that are at least 20 years old
- Favorite Movie: Rescued by Ruby
- Favorite Pet Name: Peeve
- Loves: Siamese Cats, puns, Mountain Dew
- Hates: Alarm clocks, okra, spiders on the ceiling
- Favorite Activity with Pet: Camp Dogwood at Lake Delton, Wisconsin (not local but worth the drive)
- Alternative Career Choice: Working in a plants & flowers nursery
- Fun Fact: Started in vet med as kennel help in 1989

- School Attended: Parkland
- From: Champaign, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Puppies and kittens, helping people and their pets, working with coworkers
- Pets: Cotton (cat) and Dash (dog)
- Hobbies/Interests: Playing card/board/video games with wife Megan, following Illini basketball, Chicago Bulls, and Chicago Cubs
- Loves: Cooking, family, making people laugh
- Alternative Career Choice: Teaching

- School Attended: Parkland College
- From: LaPlace, IL
- Professional Organizations: ISVMA
- Favorite Job Aspect: Surgery and dentals
- Pets: 2 dogs, 3 cats, 1 rabbit
- Hobbies/Interests: Gardening, bike rides, and being outside
- Favorite Movie: Notebook
- Loves: Wine, animals, the outdoors
- Hates: Politics, hatred, onions
- Favorite Local Activity with Her Pets: Dog park
- Alternative Career Choice: Surgical Technology or Ultrasound Tech
- Fun Fact: Mom of 3 boys and loves cookies 🍪

- School Attended: Parkland College
- From: Illiopolis, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Working with amazing coworkers and providing the best care to patients.
- Pets: 1 dog and 2 Guinea pigs
- Hobbies/Interests: Reading, roller skating
- Favorite Movie: The Secret Life of Pets
- Favorite Pet Name: Hank
- Loves: Books, Bassett hounds, astrology
- Hates: Math, snow, wasabi
- Favorite Local Activity with Her Pets: Playing fetch
- Alternative Career Choice: Librarian

- Education: Parkland College
- From: Princeton, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Meeting the different kinds of pets
- Pets: Belle (a cat) and three rats (Arya, Nymeria, and Remi)
- Hobbies/Interests: Listening to music, reading, and working out at the gym
- Loves: Ramen
- Alternative Career Choice: Marine biologist

- School Attended: College of Southern Idaho
- From: Weiser, ID
- Favorite Job Aspect: Reuniting patients with their owners, performing dentals, and doing lab work
- Pets: 2 dogs, 3 cats, 2 ferrets
- Hobbies/Interests: Playing with her child, swimming, camping, playing D&D and video games
- Favorite Movies: Balto, Pride & Prejudice, Thor Ragnarok
- Loves: Ice cream, thunderstorms, spending time with family
- Hates: Water chestnuts, being lied to, losing boss fights in video games
- Favorite Local Activity with Her Pets: Playing fetch with dogs, going on walks
- Alternative Career Choice: Dental hygienist or something in music
- Fun Fact: Her cats come to listen to her when she sings at home

- From: Monticello, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Developing relationships with clients and their pets, watching puppies grow up, and the work family
- Pets: Pearl, a very sassy Beagle, and Onyx, a sweet baby kitten
- Hobbies/Interests: Working in flower beds, taking care of clinic flowers, taking long walks
- Loves: Shopping, flowers, cats
- Hates: Snakes, spiders, spicy food
- Alternative Career Choice: Interior design

- Education: Illinois State University, majored in Biology with a focus in Zoology
- From: Decatur, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Loving on all the kitties and the occasional exotic patient, especially reptiles
- Pets: Zucchini ``Kini the Kitten`` and Squash ``Squish the Kitty`` (cats), and Jefferson Cheese (hedgehog)
- Hobbies/Interests: Fishing, target shooting, camping, watching anime and K-dramas, taking naps
- Favorite Movie: Spaceballs
- Favorite Pet Name: Any dog with the last name Streeter
- Loves: Reptiles, anime, sleeping
- Hates: Getting up early, long car rides, running out of Mt. Dew
- Favorite Activity: Curling up and watching a movie in front of the fire with a buzzing kitty
- Alternative Career Choice: Caretaker at a herpetarium
- Fun Fact: Has owned many pets including fish, frogs, a hermit crab, gerbils, hamsters, rats, mice, a hedgehog, a ball python, dogs, cats, a leopard gecko, and a mountain horned lizard

- From: Tolono, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Contributing to a team that improves animals' lives daily
- Pets: Bo (a tree walking coonhound/lab mix who still acts like a puppy) and a German shepherd/lab mix full of love. Plus two cats, Oliver and
- Gilly, who love to chase each other around at night.
- Hobbies/Interests: Kayaking, playing video games, and watching movies
- Favorite Movie: The Labyrinth (1980s)
- Loves: Relaxing, eating, and laughing with friends
- Favorite Local Activity with Pets: Laying on the couch with both dogs after a long day
- Fun Fact: Enjoys the camaraderie of working in a vet clinic and has a strong passion for helping animals

- Education: Currently an undergraduate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, majoring in Animal Sciences
- From: Chicago, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Walking the dogs
- Pets: Sadie (a cat) and two ferrets named Rocket and Pebbles
- Hobbies/Interests: Skateboarding, walking, playing soccer
- Favorite Pet Name: Luna
- Favorite Local Activity with Pets: Walks to the park
- Alternative Career Choice: Humane Investigation
- Fun Fact: Elena can ride a unicycle

- Will be Groomer in Fall 2024
- From: Muncie, IL
- School Attended: Bachelors in Animal Sciences from UIUC
- Favorite Job Aspect: Meeting and getting to know all of the dogs, each with their unique personality
- Pets: Cora (Pittie mix), Asher (Weimaraner), Zoey (Terrier mix), and Sadie & Millie (cats)
- Hobbies/Interests: Enjoying nature, playing with dogs, spending time with family and friends
- Favorite Pet Movie: Bolt
- Favorite Pet Names: Peter Barker and Tony Bark
- Favorite Activity with Pet: People/dog watching from the balcony
- Alternative Career Choice: Something allowing for world travel
- Fun Fact: Loves F1 and MLB, has a fondness for succulents and cacti but struggles to keep them alive

- From: Mahomet, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Getting to spend time with pets and making them feel loved when their owners are gone
- Pets: Blakely (Australian Shepherd) and Cooper (mixed breed)
- Hobbies/Interests: Volunteering, walking, spending time with family and friends
- Favorite Pet Movie: The Secret Life of Pets
- Favorite Pet Name: Molly
- Loves: Family, dogs, and walks
- Favorite Local Activity with Pets: Trail walk at Lake of the Woods in Mahomet
- Fun Fact: Currently attending University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, majoring in Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications. Member of the Chi Omega Women’s Fraternity

- From: Mahomet, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Meeting diverse personalities and breeds of dogs/cats, and ensuring they have an enjoyable stay
- Pets: Ozzy, a 5-year-old Egyptian Mau with a big personality who loves cuddling, adventuring outside, and napping
- Hobbies/Interests: Hiking, working out, hanging out with friends, and meeting new people
- Favorite Pet Movie: A Dogs Purpose
- Favorite Pet Name: Murphy
- Loves: Being with family and friends (including animals), food, and being active
- Dislikes: Pickles, being stressed, and insects
- Favorite Local Activity with Pets: Letting her cat Ozzy adventure outside in the yard
- Fun Fact: Plans to pursue a career in accounting

- Education: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Majoring in Animal Sciences
- From: Mahomet, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Creating bonds with clients' pets and being surrounded by a positive, hardworking atmosphere
- Pets: Momo, a cat adopted from the humane society in Normal, IL. She is timid but beautiful, sweet, and silly
- Hobbies/Interests: Being active outdoors, playing volleyball, hiking, watching sunsets, biking, listening to music, and watching movies/shows
- Favorite Pet Movie: Bolt
- Loves: Animals, traveling, and coffee
- Favorite Local Activity with Pets: Watching the sunset with her cat Momo from their deck
- Alternative Career Choice: Animal nutritionist or other animal-related field
- Fun Fact: Emma has never broken a bone

- From: Danville, Illinois
- Favorite Job Aspect: The dogs and their people!
- Pets: Four dogs - Bella, Oliver, Trumpy, and Mitzi
- Hobbies/Interests: Taking his dogs to the park and the lake
- Favorite Movie: Sargent Stubby
- Favorite Pet Name: Stony
- Loves: Dogs, cats, people
- Hates: Fat-free food, zero sugar drinks
- Favorite Activity with Pet: Playing with the dogs on the lake

- From: Wapella, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Building lasting relationships with her clients and their pets
- Pets: Ozzy (a sweet and appreciative pit/lab mix), Sophie (a spicy and bossy Shih Tzu)
- Hobbies/Interests: Hiking, kayaking, and attending lots of concerts
- Favorite Pet Movie: Lady and the Tramp
- Alternative Career Choice: Animal behavior
- Fun Fact: Irene says: ``I'm not going to make your dog behave when they're with me; we're here to have fun!``

- From: Fisher, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: The work family, amazing clients, and patients
- Pets: Bindi (a wonky-eyed kitty), Bob Cat (a sweet, timid kitty), Beckett (a spoiled rotten bearded dragon), Bentley (a blind and deaf lop-eared rescue bunny), Barnabas (a very social axolotl), Grimm (a handsome betta)
- Hobbies/Interests: Crocheting, video games, spending time with the misfit pet crew
- Favorite Pet Movie: All Dogs Go To Heaven
- Favorite Pet Name: Valor
- Loves: Animal snuggles, coffee, and enjoying both at the same time
- Hates: Being cold, driving to unfamiliar places, having a day off when favorite patients are at the clinic
- Alternative Career Choice: Writing books
- Fun Fact: Has a special fondness for one-eyed animals

- Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- From: Chicago, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Meeting patients and pets, each with their unique and distinct personalities
- Pets: Two cats, Hazel and Jade, both male cats who were originally mistaken for girls
- Hobbies/Interests: Watching Grey's Anatomy repeatedly and taking Hazel for walks around campus in his stroller
- Favorite Pet Movies: The Secret Life of Pets and Bolt
- Loves: Cats, hot chips, and Birkenstocks
- Dislikes: Red velvet, crowded gyms, and wet socks
- Favorite Local Activity with Pets: Walking around campus
- Alternative Career Choice: Picking music for movies
Fun Fact: Sofia has three sisters and is the second youngest

- School Attended: U of Illinois
- From: Pesotum, IL
- Professional Organizations: ISVMA, AVMA
- Favorite Job Aspect: Client education, surgical procedures, dentistry, dermatology, and mentoring
- Pets: Blitz, German Shepherd (Chief Security Officer), five Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
- Hobbies/Interests: Outdoor activities, watching sports, working out
- Favorite Pet Movie: Turner and Hooch
- Favorite Pet Name: Dapper Dan
- Loves: Vacationing with family, cooking, fall
- Hates: Spiders, rude people, cleaning up after cooking
- Favorite Local Activity with Her Pets: Playing outside in the country
- Alternative Career Choice: Professional drag racer, medical or law school, mechanical engineering
- Fun Fact: Grew up on a farm, played multiple sports, Triple Illini graduate 🧡💙

- School Attended: University of Illinois 🧡💙
- From: Shelbyville, IL
- Professional Organizations: ISVMA, AVMA
- Favorite Job Aspect: Working with the team, puppy visits, helping geriatric pets feel better
- Pets: Yoshi (English Pointer mix who loves sitting on people’s feet), Llewey (English Setter mix who loves snuggles), Lucky (Percheron Paint mix, partner in eventing), Tack and Echo (pampered barn cats)
- Hobbies/Interests: Showing her horse, reading long fiction series, baking, and puzzles
- Favorite Pet Movie: Bolt
- Loves: Date nights with her husband, mocha brownies, quiet time in the barn caring for her critters
- Alternative Career Choice: Teaching another science
- Fun Fact: She grew up in a veterinary clinic, her dad is a recently retired mixed practice veterinarian
- Bonus Fun Fact: She teaches DVM students at U of I’s Clinical Skills Learning Center

- School Attended: University of Illinois! I-L-L 🧡💙
- From: Freeport, IL
- Professional Organizations: AVMA, ISVMA
- Favorite Job Aspect: Helping families keep their pets happy and healthy, puppy breath, kitten snuggles
- Pets: Romee and Jubee, two cats adopted from the first veterinary clinic she volunteered at in 2015
- Hobbies/Interests: Traveling, video games, working out
- Favorite Pet Movie: The Secret Life of Pets
- Loves: Cupcakes, working out, stickers
- Hates: Cilantro, when you choke on food and a piece gets stuck in your sinuses, delayed flights
- Alternative Career Choice: Cirque du Soleil Acrobat
- Fun Fact: Certified in scuba diving

- From: Peoria, Illinois
- Favorite Job Aspect: Taking care of the people that take care of pets
- Pets: Dude, a spoiled rotten mixed breed mutt and an only child
- Hobbies/Interests: Amateur beekeeping, reading, crossword puzzles. Known for pop-culture references that are at least 20 years old
- Favorite Movie: Rescued by Ruby
- Favorite Pet Name: Peeve
- Loves: Siamese Cats, puns, Mountain Dew
- Hates: Alarm clocks, okra, spiders on the ceiling
- Favorite Activity with Pet: Camp Dogwood at Lake Delton, Wisconsin (not local but worth the drive)
- Alternative Career Choice: Working in a plants & flowers nursery
- Fun Fact: Started in vet med as kennel help in 1989

- School Attended: Parkland
- From: Champaign, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Puppies and kittens, helping people and their pets, working with coworkers
- Pets: Cotton (cat) and Dash (dog)
- Hobbies/Interests: Playing card/board/video games with wife Megan, following Illini basketball, Chicago Bulls, and Chicago Cubs
- Loves: Cooking, family, making people laugh
- Alternative Career Choice: Teaching

- School Attended: Parkland College
- From: LaPlace, IL
- Professional Organizations: ISVMA
- Favorite Job Aspect: Surgery and dentals
- Pets: 2 dogs, 3 cats, 1 rabbit
- Hobbies/Interests: Gardening, bike rides, and being outside
- Favorite Movie: Notebook
- Loves: Wine, animals, the outdoors
- Hates: Politics, hatred, onions
- Favorite Local Activity with Her Pets: Dog park
- Alternative Career Choice: Surgical Technology or Ultrasound Tech
- Fun Fact: Mom of 3 boys and loves cookies 🍪

- School Attended: Parkland College
- From: Illiopolis, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Working with amazing coworkers and providing the best care to patients.
- Pets: 1 dog and 2 Guinea pigs
- Hobbies/Interests: Reading, roller skating
- Favorite Movie: The Secret Life of Pets
- Favorite Pet Name: Hank
- Loves: Books, Bassett hounds, astrology
- Hates: Math, snow, wasabi
- Favorite Local Activity with Her Pets: Playing fetch
- Alternative Career Choice: Librarian

- Education: Parkland College
- From: Princeton, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Meeting the different kinds of pets
- Pets: Belle (a cat) and three rats (Arya, Nymeria, and Remi)
- Hobbies/Interests: Listening to music, reading, and working out at the gym
- Loves: Ramen
- Alternative Career Choice: Marine biologist

- School Attended: College of Southern Idaho
- From: Weiser, ID
- Favorite Job Aspect: Reuniting patients with their owners, performing dentals, and doing lab work
- Pets: 2 dogs, 3 cats, 2 ferrets
- Hobbies/Interests: Playing with her child, swimming, camping, playing D&D and video games
- Favorite Movies: Balto, Pride & Prejudice, Thor Ragnarok
- Loves: Ice cream, thunderstorms, spending time with family
- Hates: Water chestnuts, being lied to, losing boss fights in video games
- Favorite Local Activity with Her Pets: Playing fetch with dogs, going on walks
- Alternative Career Choice: Dental hygienist or something in music
- Fun Fact: Her cats come to listen to her when she sings at home

- From: Monticello, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Developing relationships with clients and their pets, watching puppies grow up, and the work family
- Pets: Pearl, a very sassy Beagle, and Onyx, a sweet baby kitten
- Hobbies/Interests: Working in flower beds, taking care of clinic flowers, taking long walks
- Loves: Shopping, flowers, cats
- Hates: Snakes, spiders, spicy food
- Alternative Career Choice: Interior design

- Education: Illinois State University, majored in Biology with a focus in Zoology
- From: Decatur, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Loving on all the kitties and the occasional exotic patient, especially reptiles
- Pets: Zucchini ``Kini the Kitten`` and Squash ``Squish the Kitty`` (cats), and Jefferson Cheese (hedgehog)
- Hobbies/Interests: Fishing, target shooting, camping, watching anime and K-dramas, taking naps
- Favorite Movie: Spaceballs
- Favorite Pet Name: Any dog with the last name Streeter
- Loves: Reptiles, anime, sleeping
- Hates: Getting up early, long car rides, running out of Mt. Dew
- Favorite Activity: Curling up and watching a movie in front of the fire with a buzzing kitty
- Alternative Career Choice: Caretaker at a herpetarium
- Fun Fact: Has owned many pets including fish, frogs, a hermit crab, gerbils, hamsters, rats, mice, a hedgehog, a ball python, dogs, cats, a leopard gecko, and a mountain horned lizard

- From: Tolono, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Contributing to a team that improves animals' lives daily
- Pets: Bo (a tree walking coonhound/lab mix who still acts like a puppy) and a German shepherd/lab mix full of love. Plus two cats, Oliver and
- Gilly, who love to chase each other around at night.
- Hobbies/Interests: Kayaking, playing video games, and watching movies
- Favorite Movie: The Labyrinth (1980s)
- Loves: Relaxing, eating, and laughing with friends
- Favorite Local Activity with Pets: Laying on the couch with both dogs after a long day
- Fun Fact: Enjoys the camaraderie of working in a vet clinic and has a strong passion for helping animals

- Education: Currently an undergraduate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, majoring in Animal Sciences
- From: Chicago, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Walking the dogs
- Pets: Sadie (a cat) and two ferrets named Rocket and Pebbles
- Hobbies/Interests: Skateboarding, walking, playing soccer
- Favorite Pet Name: Luna
- Favorite Local Activity with Pets: Walks to the park
- Alternative Career Choice: Humane Investigation
- Fun Fact: Elena can ride a unicycle

- Will be Groomer in Fall 2024
- From: Muncie, IL
- School Attended: Bachelors in Animal Sciences from UIUC
- Favorite Job Aspect: Meeting and getting to know all of the dogs, each with their unique personality
- Pets: Cora (Pittie mix), Asher (Weimaraner), Zoey (Terrier mix), and Sadie & Millie (cats)
- Hobbies/Interests: Enjoying nature, playing with dogs, spending time with family and friends
- Favorite Pet Movie: Bolt
- Favorite Pet Names: Peter Barker and Tony Bark
- Favorite Activity with Pet: People/dog watching from the balcony
- Alternative Career Choice: Something allowing for world travel
- Fun Fact: Loves F1 and MLB, has a fondness for succulents and cacti but struggles to keep them alive

- Education: Illinois State University, Parkland College
- From: Mahomet, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Providing calm care to pets
- Pet: 4-year-old rescue Shih Tzu named Louie
- Hobbies/Interests: Watching movies, spending time with family
- Favorite Movie: Mean Girls the Musical
- Loves: Exploring, sleeping, new foods
- Favorite Activity with Pet: Visiting different parks
- Alternative Career Choice: Event planning or production entertainment

- Education: Parkland College Vet Tech Program
- From: Heyworth, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Having one-on-one time with animals daily
- Pets: Koda Bear (a gentle giant Bernese Mountain Dog), and two cats, Nico and Jax
- Hobbies/Interests: Spending time outdoors, going to the gym, and spending time with family and friends
- Favorite Pet Movie: Marmaduke
- Favorite Pet Name: Maru
- Loves: Animals, the beach, and long summer nights
- Dislikes: Snakes, spiders, and the winter season
- Favorite Local Activity with Pets: Taking her dog Koda Bear on hikes
- Alternative Career Choice: Photography and Graphic Design

- From: Mahomet, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Getting to spend time with pets and making them feel loved when their owners are gone
- Pets: Blakely (Australian Shepherd) and Cooper (mixed breed)
- Hobbies/Interests: Volunteering, walking, spending time with family and friends
- Favorite Pet Movie: The Secret Life of Pets
- Favorite Pet Name: Molly
- Loves: Family, dogs, and walks
- Favorite Local Activity with Pets: Trail walk at Lake of the Woods in Mahomet
- Fun Fact: Currently attending University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, majoring in Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications. Member of the Chi Omega Women’s Fraternity

- From: Mahomet, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Meeting diverse personalities and breeds of dogs/cats, and ensuring they have an enjoyable stay
- Pets: Ozzy, a 5-year-old Egyptian Mau with a big personality who loves cuddling, adventuring outside, and napping
- Hobbies/Interests: Hiking, working out, hanging out with friends, and meeting new people
- Favorite Pet Movie: A Dogs Purpose
- Favorite Pet Name: Murphy
- Loves: Being with family and friends (including animals), food, and being active
- Dislikes: Pickles, being stressed, and insects
- Favorite Local Activity with Pets: Letting her cat Ozzy adventure outside in the yard
- Fun Fact: Plans to pursue a career in accounting

- Education: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Majoring in Animal Sciences
- From: Mahomet, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Creating bonds with clients' pets and being surrounded by a positive, hardworking atmosphere
- Pets: Momo, a cat adopted from the humane society in Normal, IL. She is timid but beautiful, sweet, and silly
- Hobbies/Interests: Being active outdoors, playing volleyball, hiking, watching sunsets, biking, listening to music, and watching movies/shows
- Favorite Pet Movie: Bolt
- Loves: Animals, traveling, and coffee
- Favorite Local Activity with Pets: Watching the sunset with her cat Momo from their deck
- Alternative Career Choice: Animal nutritionist or other animal-related field
- Fun Fact: Emma has never broken a bone

- From: Danville, Illinois
- Favorite Job Aspect: The dogs and their people!
- Pets: Four dogs - Bella, Oliver, Trumpy, and Mitzi
- Hobbies/Interests: Taking his dogs to the park and the lake
- Favorite Movie: Sargent Stubby
- Favorite Pet Name: Stony
- Loves: Dogs, cats, people
- Hates: Fat-free food, zero sugar drinks
- Favorite Activity with Pet: Playing with the dogs on the lake

- From: Wapella, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Building lasting relationships with her clients and their pets
- Pets: Ozzy (a sweet and appreciative pit/lab mix), Sophie (a spicy and bossy Shih Tzu)
- Hobbies/Interests: Hiking, kayaking, and attending lots of concerts
- Favorite Pet Movie: Lady and the Tramp
- Alternative Career Choice: Animal behavior
- Fun Fact: Irene says: ``I'm not going to make your dog behave when they're with me; we're here to have fun!``

- From: Fisher, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: The work family, amazing clients, and patients
- Pets: Bindi (a wonky-eyed kitty), Bob Cat (a sweet, timid kitty), Beckett (a spoiled rotten bearded dragon), Bentley (a blind and deaf lop-eared rescue bunny), Barnabas (a very social axolotl), Grimm (a handsome betta)
- Hobbies/Interests: Crocheting, video games, spending time with the misfit pet crew
- Favorite Pet Movie: All Dogs Go To Heaven
- Favorite Pet Name: Valor
- Loves: Animal snuggles, coffee, and enjoying both at the same time
- Hates: Being cold, driving to unfamiliar places, having a day off when favorite patients are at the clinic
- Alternative Career Choice: Writing books
- Fun Fact: Has a special fondness for one-eyed animals

- Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- From: Chicago, IL
- Favorite Job Aspect: Meeting patients and pets, each with their unique and distinct personalities
- Pets: Two cats, Hazel and Jade, both male cats who were originally mistaken for girls
- Hobbies/Interests: Watching Grey's Anatomy repeatedly and taking Hazel for walks around campus in his stroller
- Favorite Pet Movies: The Secret Life of Pets and Bolt
- Loves: Cats, hot chips, and Birkenstocks
- Dislikes: Red velvet, crowded gyms, and wet socks
- Favorite Local Activity with Pets: Walking around campus
- Alternative Career Choice: Picking music for movies
Fun Fact: Sofia has three sisters and is the second youngest